[News] Collaboration agreement concluded with Otemon Gakuin University
With a view to implementation in design analysis service “EXplainable Kansei®” etc.

Konica Minolta, Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Toshimitsu Daiyuki, hereinafter referred to as Konica Minolta) is collaborating with Otemon Gakuin University (location: Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture, President: Masahiro Shindo) in the professional print business. A comprehensive collaboration agreement aimed at social implementation will be concluded on September 1st, and joint research will begin through industry-academia collaboration.
Through this initiative, we will increase the value of the services we provide, revitalize businesses, and improve the quality of people's lives. In particular, we focused on matching research on "human thinking and decision-making" conducted by the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Faculty of Psychology, Otemon Gakuin University, with Konica Minolta's design analysis cloud service "EXplainable Kansei®" (hereinafter referred to as Explainable KANSEI). We have great expectations for the evolution of this service through the university's technical guidance from an academic perspective and the results of joint research.


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