Description based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

item Content
Name of business operator Konica Minolta, Inc.
Location of business JP Tower, 2-7-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-7015
Business Contact Information Tel: 03-6250-2111
Name of responsible person Katsuichi Uratani
Service Details Design Analysis Cloud Service Explainable Sensibility
price We offer three soft plans: Basic (98,000 yen), Pro (498,000 yen), and Pro+ (950,000 yen). For details, please see Price page.
payment method If purchasing from an official retailer: Pay by invoice
When purchasing from a third-party application: Credit card payment
Service launch date After your purchase, the service will start within 3 business days.
Contract period and automatic renewal

The contract period is one year, the same as the service provision period. If you do not apply for cancellation 30 days before the contract expiration date, it will be automatically renewed.

(See Table 1 below)

Special terms regarding cancellation and return ■ Cancellation

① If you (the service contract holder or owner) wish to stop automatic renewal during your paid plan contract, you must apply by any of the following means at least 30 days prior to the automatic renewal date.
(a) Contact the sales office.
(i) Contact us via the Explainable Sensibility inquiry form or automatic update request form.
② After KM accepts your request to stop automatic renewal, automatic renewal will be stopped within 5 business days.
③ If automatic renewal is not performed and the contract expires, the member's ID and data will be retained for 180 days. You can apply for renewal under 7.3 during this period. The automatic renewal date of the contract will be reset to 365 days from the renewal date (366 days if February 29 is included).

We will accept returns for service defects or problems that are the responsibility of our company, but we do not accept returns for other reasons on the user's behalf. To cancel your contract midway, please use our service Contact form.

Operating environment ①We recommend that users of the "EXplainable Sensibility" software use a PC. We do not recommend using tablets or smartphones.
②Internet connection is required for browser operation. We recommend a line speed of 20Mbps or higher.
③The recommended operating systems and browsers are as shown in Table 2 below.
Handling of Personal Information In providing the EXplainable Kansei Service, personal information obtained from users of this service will be handled as follows in addition to being set forth in the Konica Minolta Group Personal Information Protection Policy.
For details, please refer to the Personal Information Handling Policy.
Terms of Service These terms of use stipulate the terms of use and rights and obligations for the EXplainable Sensibility Service provided by Konica Minolta, Inc. To use this service, you must read the entire text of these terms and agree to these terms.
Please refer to the Terms of Service for details.
Security measures We have appointed a person responsible for the handling of personal information and an information security officer to clarify the employees who handle personal information and the scope of personal information handled by those employees, and to ensure the appropriate safety management of personal information. In addition, we have established a system for reporting to the responsible person in the event that we become aware of any facts or signs of violation of personal information protection-related laws or internal regulations.
Country/region restrictions We provide third-party applications that are partnered with AWS and Konica Minolta, Inc. to all countries where they can be legally used.


Table 1
After 365 days (366 days if February 29 is included), the plan will be automatically renewed and the validity period will start again for 365 days (366 days if February 29 is included). Since it is an automatic renewal, there is no need to apply for renewal.
Table 2

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