[News] Introducing FORXAI website improvement examples

Introducing an example of how Konica Minolta's image IoT solution, FORXAI official website, was improved using EX Kansei.

We analyzed the current situation from multiple angles based on website screenshots, and confirmed improvements in visibility by improving the conversion switch design on the top screen from the existing one to a more conspicuous one, mainly in cases where visibility was improved. In an A/B test to measure the number of accesses, the number of accesses increased after the improvements, and this became an example of how to use it effectively on a website.

Additionally, in a post-event survey that asked about the conspicuousness of the Before and After buttons, recognition of the After button was significantly higher, and we were able to feel the improvement.

In addition, we also perform impression analysis and Complexity analysis of the entire top page, which will help us analyze the current design and formulate the direction for future renewals.

Click here to check the detailed introduction article

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