[News] EX Kansei Case study has been published on ITmedia Business Online

Case study EX Kansei was published in the article ``Suntory Draft Beer is selling well; there is a sense of discomfort behind its success'' on ITmedia Business Online, operated by ITmedia Co., Ltd.


Excerpt from the published article below.

Don't get lost in your competitors' beers. The development members felt this anxiety, so they went back to the drawing board and went back to the drawing board. As we continued to discuss things again, one word came to mind. How about a design with the shape of a beer barrel as a motif?

(Omitted halfway)

Although they felt uneasy, the development members felt that ``we like the design of the beer barrel.'' However, since we must not become complacent, we are focusing on the neuroscience program offered by Konica Minolta.

How does design contribute to people's impressions and attention? Using software that analyzes these things, we can see how new designs will be received. When I tried to visualize it, I got an "easy to understand" result.

When the development members saw this result, they thought, ``Our idea was correct after all. Let's go with this!'' Looking back, a year had passed since we started talking about what to do with the design. Although there were many twists and turns, the design of the new product was finally decided upon.



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