
Promote purchasing by creating an eye-catching POP! Points to note when writing

In-store POP used in supermarkets, drug stores, etc. In order to attract the attention and interest of people visiting your store and encourage their purchasing behavior, it is important to create a conspicuous POP that naturally draws their eyes.

In order to attract attention to new products and best-selling products, or to convert slow-selling products into purchases, we ask questions such as "How should I write a POP?" and "What should I do to avoid a POP that just stands out?" Some people may be looking into this.

In this article, we will explain how to create a POP that stands out, as well as points and precautions.

This article explains how to make an ad that stands out. Please also check.

Attract attention with eye-catching advertisements! Key points for creating advertisements to increase appeal

  Attract attention with eye-catching advertisements! Tips for creating advertisements to increase appeal Advertising is one of the important sales promotion tools for promoting products on e-commerce sites and in stores, leading to purchasing behavior. Although the purpose of use differs depending on the advertising medium, it has the role of increasing product awareness, attracting more customers to stores, and increasing sales. However, advertisements that lack impact are difficult to catch the attention of consumers and attract their attention, leading to a lack of awareness and purchase. Companies that operate e-commerce sites and stores are working on improvements, such as ``What should I keep in mind to create ads that stand out?'' and ``Are there any elements to review in current ads?'' I'm sure there are some people who do. In this article, we will explain the key points of creating advertisements to increase appeal and increase purchase intent. Explainable KANSEI Science of design that sells

Table of contents [hidden]

  1. 1.Role of in-store POP
  2. 2.How to write a POP that stands out and key points
    1. 2.1.① Examine the target and the information you want to convey
    2. 2.2.② Decide on the design
    3. 2.3.③Write in a clear layout
  3. 3.Points to note when writing outstanding POP
    1. 3.1.Prioritize information
    2. 3.2.Beaware of consumer-oriented design
    3. 3.3.Don't use too many colors
  4. 4.Achieving “standout POP” through analysis based on emotional neuroscience
  5. 5.Summary_

Role of in-store POP

In-store POP has the role of attracting the attention of visitors, increasing awareness, and highlighting the appeal of the product.

By designing POP content that takes into account the behavior and psychology of customers, such as near entrances, product shelves, aisles, and next to cash registers, you can encourage the actions you want them to take.

It is also useful to convey information that benefits visitors, such as sales and limited-time products, and to introduce reviews and recommended points to create a system that makes them want to buy.

How to write outstanding POP and key points

In order to create a POP that stands out and attract the attention of visitors, it is important to be creative with the information it contains, its layout, and design.

Here, we will explain how to write POP that stands out and the key points.

① Examine the target and the information you want to convey

The method of conveying information differs depending on the gender and age of the target person.

The key is to identify the information you want to include in your POP, keeping in mind the product's target audience, and thinking about what you want to convey to whom and what action you want them to take after reading it.

▼Points for identifying information to be included in POP

  • Express product characteristics (location of use, purpose of use, frequency, price range) in easy-to-understand language
  • Think about the product's target audience
  • Think of a message that appeals to the issues and needs of your target audience.
  • Describe the benefits of purchasing and using the product

② Decide on the design

Once you have decided on the information to be included, decide on the rough design of the POP. At that time, you will need to decide on the font, placement, illustrations, photos, etc. to be used.

Incorporating catchphrases and specific numbers will not only make it easier to understand the content at a glance, but will also increase the appeal.

▼Points of design in POP


Concrete example

Use fonts that match the product image

  • Gothic font → hard, strong
  • Mincho font → elegant, sincere
  • Pop type → lively, bright
  • Handwritten → friendly

Use colors that express the message you want to convey based on the psychological effects of colors

  • Green → Health, nature
  • Blue/sky blue → coolness, water, freshness
  • Yellow → Energy, joy, hope
  • Red → vitality, passion
  • Pink → cute, love

Use illustrations and photos that are reminiscent of the product or usage scene

  • Photo of the producer/manufacturer of the product
  • Image photo of wearing clothes
  • Illustrations showing how to use the product

Include specific numbers to increase persuasiveness

  • “We sell 100 pieces a day!”
  • "Complete in just 3 minutes!"
  • "50% OFF"

③Write in a clear layout

When writing POP, one of the key points is to create a clear layout by adjusting the arrangement of information and font size.

By adding visual contrast, you can make the message you want to emphasize stand out and attract the attention of visitors. It is also possible to improve visibility to make the contents of POP easier to read and to make it look cleaner.

▼Layout points

  • Arrange vertical writing, horizontal writing, etc.
  • Limit font sizes and font types to 2-3
  • Don't pack in too much information, leave some blank space
  • Enlarge/color catchphrases and important parts

Points to note when writing eye-catching POP

When writing a POP that stands out, you need to be careful about the information you include and the color scheme so that visitors can understand the content at a glance. The main points to note are as follows.

Prioritize information

It is important to prioritize information in advance so that visitors can instantly understand what you most want to convey.

If too much information is included in POP, it becomes difficult to understand the content at a glance. If you have a lot of information to convey, using bullet points to concisely summarize it is effective.

Be conscious of consumer-oriented design

In order to create a POP that will attract the attention of visitors, it is important to consider the design from the consumer's perspective. For example, products for women tend to prefer dull or pastel colors, while products for men tend to prefer cool colors or achromatic colors.

▼Example of design from consumer perspective

Product type

Examples of designs that are easy to like

Character goods

Bright and pop design

Health conscious natural foods

A design that incorporates green that evokes nature and blue that evokes health.


Design that increases appetite by incorporating red and orange colors

Products for young people

Trendy design that incorporates buzzwords and trendy characters

Don't use too many colors

If you use too many colors in your in-store POP design, it will be difficult to instantly determine which information is important. The key is to limit the number of colors used to about three in order to make the information easier to read and give a sense of unity to the overall design.

Achieving “standout POP” through analysis based on emotional neuroscience

When creating a POP, in order to determine whether the design will truly catch the attention of customers, it is necessary to test it by actually placing it in the store. However, the person who created the POP inevitably feels that it stands out, so it is difficult to judge it objectively.

Analysis tools based on emotional neuroscience are useful for objectively and quantitatively verifying whether a product is a noticeable POP.

Konica Minolta's `` Explainable KANSEI'' is based on cognitive theory in brain science, and it is possible to scientifically analyze the act of ``seeing.'' We visualize the purchasing process, from awareness to interest, comparison, and purchase, and scientifically unravel the designs that sell.

▼ Approach from the human purchasing process based on Explainable KANSEI

By visualizing the movements of consumers' gaze, such as ``which part attracts attention'' and ``which part is likely to be looked at for a long time,'' consider the design and layout of POP that easily attracts the eye and supports purchasing behavior. can.

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  Service introduction Explainable KANSEI | Introducing the services of Konica Minolta Explainable KANSEI. Explainable KANSEI- The science of design that sells


In this article, we explained the following about how to write a POP that stands out.

  • Role of in-store POP
  • How to write outstanding POP and key points
  • Points to note when writing eye-catching POP
  • Analysis tools based on emotional neuroscience that help create POPs

In-store POP has the role of attracting the attention of visitors, increasing awareness, and promoting products. In order to support purchasing behavior with more eye-catching POP, it is important to carefully examine the target audience and the information you want to convey, and then devise a design and layout that allows you to understand the appeal and appeal points at a glance.

Konica Minolta's Explainable KANSEI allows you to visualize and quantitatively analyze people's eye movements and impressions. By designing based on emotional brain engineering, you can create an outstanding POP that leads to purchase.

For more information about our services, please see this document.

  Download EX Kansei | Konica Minolta You can Download the EX Kansei overview materials and Case study studies that visualize people's sensibilities. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

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