
How to create a package design that sells? Explaining precautions and points

Product packaging design is one of the important elements that appeals to consumers' vision and sensibilities and increases their desire to purchase. In order to catch consumers' eyes among the many products lined up in a store and get them to pick up the product, it is necessary to create a package design that conveys the product's features and appeal at a glance.

Some people in the product development and marketing departments have concerns such as ``I want to increase sales by renewing the package design of my products'' or ``I want to differentiate my products from competitors and increase the added value of my products.'' I think there are.

In this article, we will explain the basic methods of creating package design and the key points for creating designs that will sell.

This article explains the important aspects of product packaging design. Please also take a look.

  What is important in package design? Four tips to increase purchasing desire When consumers purchase a product, the first thing they see is the package design. Package design not only motivates them to pick up an item they are interested in from a display shelf full of other items, but is also an important factor in determining whether or not they will purchase the product. As it also influences product sales, it is necessary to devise a design that will catch the consumer's eye and increase their purchasing desire. Companies involved in product development and design production may be searching for ideas such as "What should we value in package design?" and "What kind of package design will contribute to sales?" In this article, we will explain what is important in package design and some design tips to increase purchasing desire. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

Table of contents [hidden]

  1. 1.How to create a package design
  2. 2.Key points to create a package design that sells
    1. 2.1.① Analyze the characteristics of your target
    2. 2.2.② Express the product concept
    3. 2.3.③Package with the sales area in mind
  3. 3.Points to note when creating package design
  4. 4.Summary_

How to create a packaging design

Creating a product packaging design involves five main steps:

▼Steps to create a package design

  1. Set your target
  2. Define the product concept
  3. Set the expected sales floor
  4. Decide on the material and shape of the package
  5. Create a design and print it on the packaging

To create an eye-catching package design, you need to think about the type of people you want to buy your product and set your target audience. Once the target is determined, we define the product concept and incorporate it into visual elements such as color scheme, logo, and catchphrase.

In addition, to make it easier for consumers to notice, the product will be sized to be easily placed on shelves or displays in the intended sales area and to be easy to pick up.

Furthermore, the material and shape of the package not only affect the visual impression, but also its durability, ease of opening, ease of holding, shelf life, etc. It is important to choose a material and shape that is functional according to the type of product and the usage scenario.

Once the specific package design, materials, and shape have been decided, we will create it and move on to printing. In some cases, the creation of the package design and printing will be outsourced to an external production company or printing company.

Key points to create a package design that sells

In order to create a package design that makes consumers want to pick it up, it is important to appeal to the uniqueness of your product, taking into consideration the target's tastes and needs, as well as visibility on the sales floor.

① Analyze the characteristics of the target

When determining the target audience to which you want to sell your products, it is important to analyze not only their attributes but also their values, interests, thinking, purchasing habits, and other characteristics.

By digging deeper into the factors that target people use to choose products, what they are interested in, and how much they spend on products, you can better understand their purchasing intentions and sensibilities. It is useful for expressing designs that inspire.

▼How to analyze the characteristics of your target

Analysis method



Conduct surveys of store and e-commerce site visitors to investigate their daily purchasing habits, lifestyles, product issues and needs, etc.

Website access analysis

Integrate and accumulate data such as the attributes and purchase history of people who have purchased your products, and perform analysis using analysis tools.

Venue Survey (CLT)

Gather research subjects at a specific venue and conduct questionnaires and interviews to collect opinions and impressions regarding product impressions, usability, etc.

social listening

Collect consumer opinions posted on SNS, word-of-mouth/review sites, personal blogs, etc. to understand market trends, evaluations of your own products, insights, etc.

By collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data, you can understand consumer trends and consider package designs from the target's perspective.

Please see this article for more information on venue research (CLT).

  What is a central location test? We explain the advantages and disadvantages and the steps to implement it. In order to create products and package designs that sell, it is important to gather consumer feedback and conduct objective evaluations. A central location test is a survey method that companies can use to collect real feedback from consumers. In this article, we will explain the overview of central location testing, its advantages and disadvantages, and the specific steps involved. EX Kansei - The science of selling designs

② Express the product concept

When creating a package design, it is necessary to visually express the concept of the product.

The product concept is the axis for correctly conveying the product's appeal, worldview, experience value, etc. to consumers. Because it is an element that symbolizes the idea created by your company, it is important to create a design that conveys the image you want to give to consumers.

▼Points to consider when embodying a product concept as a design

  • Deciding on a theme color that expresses the worldview of the product
  • Insert a catchphrase that matches the target's tastes or creates empathy for their needs.
  • Consider the impression and psychological effect of colors and fonts, and maintain consistency with the product's functions and price range.
  • We select and process materials that convey the product concept through appearance and texture

Positioning analysis can help you differentiate yourself from your competitors and express your unique concept. By analyzing ``How is your product positioned in the market?'' and ``What are its strengths and weaknesses when compared to competitors' products?'' you can identify the elements that can appeal to your company.

3) Create packaging that takes the sales area into consideration

One of the key points is to create packaging that takes into consideration the size of the sales floor and the display method in order to get consumers to pick up the product.

▼Example of packaging designed for sales areas

  • Match the size and shape of products and packages of the same type so that they can be placed on display shelves in the same space.
  • Based on the size and weight of the product, assume the position on the display shelf (top, center, bottom) and place photos, illustrations, catchy copy, etc. in a position that ensures visibility.

By anticipating how products will be displayed on store shelves, you can consider the size and shape to suit the installation location, which can make them more likely to catch consumers' eyes.

For tips on creating a sales floor, please see this article.

  How can you increase customers' desire to purchase by creating a sales floor? 4 tips to put into practice One of the important measures for store management is creating a sales floor. It is important to create a sales floor that attracts the attention and interest of customers who visit the store and makes them want to buy this product or take a closer look around the store. In this article, we will explain the basic elements of creating a sales floor and tips for increasing customer desire to purchase. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

Things to consider when creating a package design

When creating a product packaging design, please keep the following points in mind.


  • Choose materials that can protect your products
  • Beware of violations of the law

Packaging also plays a role in protecting the product. To prevent the contents from being damaged or deteriorating during the packaging process or when transporting the product after purchase, the packaging must be made of materials and have a shape that suits the product's characteristics.

It is also essential to check whether the labeling is legally required and whether it does not infringe on the copyright or trademark rights of third parties. Laws and regulations regarding package labeling include the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, the Food Labeling Act, and the Copyright Act.


In this article, we have covered the following aspects of packaging design:

  • How to create a packaging design
  • Key points to create a package design that sells
  • Things to consider when creating a package design

By focusing on the design of a product's packaging, you can stimulate consumers' desire to purchase and encourage them to pick up the product. The key to creating a package design that sells is to analyze the characteristics of the target audience, visually express the product concept, and choose a size and shape that takes into account the sales floor.

It is also effective to use tools to quantitatively evaluate and analyze what impression the packaging design you create leaves behind.

Konica Minolta's `` EX Kansei'' is based on proprietary image analysis technology and kansei brain engineering to quantitatively analyze eye movements and impressions, leading to more ``selling'' package designs.

▼“EX Kansei” evaluates designs that sell

EX Sensibility

By visualizing people's interests and sensibilities and evaluating whether they are connected to the impression you want to give, you can improve the expressiveness of your product concept.

For more information on EX Kansei, please click here.

  Download Form EX Kansei | You can Download the EX Kansei overview materials and Case study that visualize Konica Minolta's sensibilities. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

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