
How to increase customer motivation by creating a sales floor? 4 tips to try

One of the important measures to increase store sales is to create a sales floor. Even if you have attractive products lined up, if they don't catch the customer's attention or if you don't communicate the product's appeal or value well, you'll miss out on sales opportunities.

In order to get customers to pick up a product, it is important to create a sales floor that attracts the attention and interest of customers who visit the store and makes them want to buy this product or take a closer look around the store. .

Some store managers and marketing staff may be wondering, "How should we display products?" or "Are there effective methods to increase customer desire to purchase?"

In this article, we will explain the basic elements of creating a sales floor and tips for increasing customer purchasing desire.

Table of contents [hidden]

  1. 1.Basic elements to keep in mind when creating a sales area
  2. 2.Thekey to creating a sales floor is “merchandising”
  3. 3.Increase customer's purchase intention! Tips for creating a sales floor
    1. 3.1.① Create a display that reflects the theme
    2. 3.2.②Choose a display method according to the characteristics of the product
    3. 3.3.③ Increase appeal with promotional items
    4. 3.4.④Design flow lines with AIDMA in mind
  4. 4.Summary_

Basic elements to keep in mind when creating a sales area

In order to improve store sales, it is important to create a sales floor that will increase customer motivation and encourage them to make purchases. The basic elements required for creating a sales floor are as follows:

▼Basic elements of creating a sales floor

  • Easy to find what's where
  • You can travel around without stress
  • See recommended products and best-selling products at a glance

Some customers who visit the store have already decided on the products they want to purchase. A sales floor with shelves and spaces neatly organized by product category and brand makes it easier to find what's where and make shopping go smoothly.

Additionally, if the flow lines and aisle widths within the store are secured, customers will be able to walk around without stress. By creating a sales floor that is easy to navigate, we believe that there will be more opportunities for people to notice and pick up our products.

Furthermore, in addition to the regular products that are always on sale in the store, displaying recommended new products and best-selling products at a glance can attract customers' attention and encourage them to make purchases.

The key to creating a sales floor is “merchandising”

Merchandising refers to a strategy for planning products and creating sales floors with the aim of selling products to customers. When working on creating a store's sales floor, the key is to create the layout and displays with merchandising in mind.

The concept of merchandising has five aptitudes:

▼Five aptitudes for merchandising



The right product

Assemble products that meet customer needs

The right time

Purchasing and selling products needed by customers, taking into account seasons, events, etc.

proper place

Display your products in a place where they are easily visible and accessible to customers.

appropriate quantity

Based on the sales data of the product, adjust the quantity of the product so that there is no surplus or shortage.

fair price

Set an appropriate selling price by looking at the balance between the cost of the product and the price that the customer can afford.

In addition, there are three merchandising methods with different appealing marketing axes. Creating a sales floor that incorporates these three methods will likely lead to increased purchasing motivation.

▼Three methods of merchandising


Visual Merchandising

Create in-store displays and POP displays to appeal to products in line with purchasing behavior.

cross merchandising

Promote related products to encourage "bundled purchases" and "impulse purchases"

Lifestyle Merchandising

Comprehensively propose products that match the concept based on the target lifestyle.

This article explains visual merchandising. Please also take a look.

  What is visual merchandising (VMD)? Three methods and key points Creating a sales floor that conveys the store concept and product appeal is expected to arouse interest and increase purchasing motivation. One method of creating a sales floor that focuses on visual elements is "visual merchandising (VMD)." This article explains the overview of visual merchandising, its methods, expected effects, and key points to consider when working with it. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

Increase customer motivation to buy! Tips for creating a sales area

When creating a sales floor, it is necessary to create a layout that makes it easy for customers to shop, and to present the products in a way that conveys their appeal and value. Here are four tips for creating a sales floor that incorporates merchandising.

① Create a display that reflects the theme

When considering store displays, the trick is to reflect the theme of the product. By making it possible to intuitively understand what products are being sold through visual information, it becomes easier to attract customers' interest.

When reflecting a theme in a sales floor, it is important to rearrange shelves based on the season, events, lifestyles, etc., and to create a unified space.

▼Example of display that reflects the theme

Main theme

Display Examples


Set up a corner for everyday items needed for a new life in spring


Place related products suitable for Christmas


Arranging foods related to food cultures from around the world

Also, since different colors give different impressions to people, using a color scheme that is appropriate for the set theme or product will make it easier to convey the image.

②Choose a display method that suits the characteristics of the product

In order to get customers to pick up your products, you need to choose a display method that suits the product's characteristics and increase visibility.

The impression of products as seen by customers can be changed by adjusting the arrangement, spacing, and amount of products on display. The trick is to place recommended products, seasonal products, and other products that you want to highlight in a place and position that will catch their eye.

▼How to display products

Display method


Triangle Display

A method of stacking tall items in the center and short items on both sides to form a triangle.

Repeat display

A method to expand the display area by arranging the same products consecutively with the same spacing and orientation

Symmetrical Display

How to arrange products symmetrically and regularly from the center line of the display

asymmetrical display

How to arrange your products asymmetrically around the center line of your display

Double Attack Display

A method of placing the product you want to sell by flanking it on both sides with best-selling products

jumble display

A method of creating volume and impact by randomly placing products in baskets, carts, trays, etc.

Please see this article for information on how to optimize planograms.

  Optimize planograms to promote purchasing! Explaining 5 points and methods Retail stores such as department stores, supermarkets, and drugstores display a wide variety of products. In addition to displaying products so that they are easy to see and find, it is also necessary to consider planograms that will stimulate the desire to purchase and make people want to pick up the products after they stop in front of the shelves. The method of planogram allocation influences customer decision-making and therefore has a significant impact on product sales. Some people may be worried about store planograms, such as ``I don't know the planograms that will sell products, so I do it based on my intuition and experience,'' and ``I often end up with out-of-stock items or surplus inventory.'' . In this article, we will explain the basic knowledge of planograms in retail stores, as well as points to increase purchasing motivation and methods for optimizing purchasing. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

③ Increase appeal with promotional items

To create a sales area that customers will be drawn to, one way is to use promotional items to make your products more attractive.

▼Example of sales floor design incorporating promotional items

  • Place handwritten POPs on display shelves to introduce the appeal of new products
  • Install panels or ceiling hangings with catchphrases that remind people to use the product.
  • Decorate with colors and items that evoke the season
  • Decorate with interior items that reflect the intended use of the product

Decorating the sales floor with POPs, panels, interior items, etc. helps create the atmosphere inside the store. The trick is to use it to suit the space you want to create, such as a calm atmosphere, a gorgeous and bright atmosphere, or a luxurious atmosphere.

In addition, this article explains how to make POP to use in the sales floor.

  Increase the appeal of your sales floor with POP! 4 Roles and Key Points on How to Make It "POP" is used in stores such as department stores, supermarkets, etc. on the sales floor. By installing POP in the sales floor, you can expect to have the effect of increasing customer awareness of the product, increasing the appeal of the product, and fostering a desire to purchase. In this article, we will explain the role of POP on the sales floor and the key points to create an eye-catching POP. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

④ Design traffic flow with AIDMA in mind

The trick to creating a sales floor that makes it easy for customers to shop is to design flow lines with AIDMA in mind. AIDMA is a model that classifies the behavior of customers into five stages, from when they become aware of a product until they purchase it.

The smoother and longer the path customers can take to move around the store after entering, the more opportunities they will have to come into contact with various products, which will likely lead to increased sales.

▼Flow line design with AIDMA in mind


Example of flow line design


Display recommended products right at the store entrance


Displaying products in a way that matches their theme or category creates a sense of anticipation that makes customers want to explore the store further.


Each display shelf is decorated using POP, panels, goods, etc. to make people want to use it.


Create a visual impression through displays and decorations to make the product memorable


encourage product purchases


In this article, we explained the following about creating a store's sales floor:

  • Basic elements to keep in mind when creating a sales area
  • Merchandising concepts and techniques
  • Tips for creating a sales floor that increases customer desire to purchase

In order to increase store sales, it is important to create a sales floor that makes shopping easy and smooth and that conveys the appeal and value of the products. Incorporating displays and display methods that are conscious of merchandising will not only increase opportunities for customers to interact with products, but will also lead to increased purchase intent.

In addition, when considering the display and presentation of products in the sales area, it is important to quantitatively analyze the psychology and behavior of customers who visit the store when they pick up products.

Konica Minolta's "EX Kansei" is based on cutting-edge image analysis technology and emotional brain engineering, and can quantitatively analyze and evaluate the attention and impression of a sales floor. It contributes to increased sales by creating a sales floor that is based on evidence and does not rely on the intuition or experience of the sales staff.

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