
Increase the appeal of your sales floor with POP! Four roles and tips on how to make them

Department stores, supermarkets, and other stores use "POP" on their sales floors. POP stands for "Point Of Purchase" and is a promotional tool that is placed near products or on display shelves.

By installing POP in the sales floor, you can expect to have the effect of increasing customer awareness of the product, increasing the appeal of the product, and fostering a desire to purchase.

Some store managers and people in charge of marketing departments may be wondering, ``What should I do to create an eye-catching POP?'' and ``Are there any points to using POP to improve sales?'' Is it not?

In this article, we will explain the role of POP in sales areas and the key points for creating eye-catching POP.

For tips on creating a sales area, please see this article.

  How can you increase customers' desire to purchase by creating a sales floor? 4 tips to put into practice One of the important measures for store management is creating a sales floor. It is important to create a sales floor that attracts the attention and interest of customers who visit the store and makes them want to buy this product or take a closer look around the store. In this article, we will explain the basic elements of creating a sales floor and tips for increasing customer desire to purchase. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

Table of contents [hidden]

  1. 1.The role of POP installed in the sales floor
  2. 2.How to make an eye-catching POP? Tips on how to make it
    1. 2.1.① Narrow down the information you want to convey
    2. 2.2.②Use around 3 colors
    3. 2.3.③ Use numbers to appeal
    4. 2.4.④ Add photos and illustrations
    5. 2.5.⑤Adding contrast to objects
  3. 3.“Effectiveness verification” is the key to creating POP that leads to sales
  4. 4.Summary_

The role of POP displayed in the sales area

POP has the role of drawing attention to the products you want to promote in a sales floor where various products are displayed, and encouraging customers to take the actions you want them to take.

The type of POP used will differ depending on "what you want to appeal to and what kind of action you want people to take."

▼Role and general types of POP



Concrete example

Product description

Provide basic information such as product features, performance, and price

  • Swing POP
  • Counter POP
  • Hanging POP
  • Obi POP etc.

Product Presentation

Create an image that matches the product concept and display theme

  • top board
  • Handwritten POP
  • Counter POP
  • poster
  • Signboards etc.

In-store information

Guiding customers to move around the store by showing them where things are

  • top board
  • Hanging POP
  • Signboards etc.


Promote new products, limited edition products, campaign information, etc.

  • poster
  • Nobori
  • Hanging POP
  • Counter POP
  • Obi POP etc.

By utilizing POP that is appropriate for the location and size of the display, you can attract customers' attention and encourage them to intuitively understand the information, thereby increasing their desire to purchase.

How to make an eye-catching POP? Tips on how to make it

To use POP to increase the appeal of your sales floor, you need to create a POP that catches the customer's eye. Here are five points to keep in mind when creating a POP:

① Narrow down the information to be conveyed

When creating a POP, it is necessary to narrow down the information you want to convey.

POP, which is placed on a shelf or in a corner of a display, is required to be able to understand the information at a glance. If there is too much information, it will be difficult to intuitively understand the content, and there is a possibility that customers will not read to the end.

The key is to select the information to be conveyed based on the purpose of POP, so that the general outline of the information can be conveyed in about 2 seconds, and all the information can be conveyed in about 15 seconds.

▼How to create POP by focusing on the information you want to convey

  • Clarify the purpose and target of what you want to convey with POP
  • Identify the information you want to convey based on the content you want to appeal to.
  • Classify the information you want to convey by priority and narrow down the content to be included on the POP.

② Use about three colors

When designing POP, the key is to keep the number of colors to about three.

Incorporating color can make your POP more vivid and more eye-catching, but using too many colors can make it look cluttered.

Limiting the number of colors to around three will give a clean, unified impression and make the message you want to draw attention to stand out.

When considering the color scheme of a POP, it is effective to be aware of the color ratio. A general color scheme is said to be effective when distributing the base color, main color, and accent color in a ratio of 70:25:5.

▼Color ratio

Color scheme


base color

The color with the widest area, such as the base or margin of POP

Main Color

The base color of POP

accent color

Colors to add movement to your design and attract attention

The base color of a POP is the foundation that determines the overall impression. A Lightness version of the main color or accent color, or an achromatic color, is best.

The main color is the basis of the design, so it is necessary to choose a color that reflects the atmosphere of the store and the concept of the products. Choosing a color similar to the base color will create harmony, while choosing a complementary color will create a striking design.

Accent colors should only be used in areas you want to make stand out. Choosing a color that is the opposite of the base or main color or a strong color will help draw attention.

3. Use numbers to make your appeal

When using POP to explain products or make announcements, you can use numbers to increase their appeal.

Including specific numbers makes it easier to convey the effects and value of using the product, increasing persuasive power.

How to incorporate numbers

  • 30% OFF
  • No.1 in sales
  • 1st place in ○○ survey or ○○ survey
  • Our most popular item

④Insert photos and illustrations

Incorporating photos and illustrations is an effective way to help customers intuitively understand the information you want to convey.

Illustrations and photographs allow information to be grasped visually compared to text-only POP, making it possible to increase the amount of information while keeping the number of characters down.

▼Examples of how photos and illustrations are used

  • Add a product image
  • Hand-draw illustrations that show how the product is used
  • Insert images and illustrations of people and characters used in advertising

⑤Adding contrast to objects

In order to create a POP that catches the eye and is easy to read, one of the key points is to add contrast to the objects.

You can create an impressive POP by arranging the font size and information, and by changing the layout to match the image you want to convey to your customers.

▼How to create a striking POP

  • Make the text of your main message larger
  • Standardize font sizes to 2-3
  • When communicating features and performance, use bullet points
  • Use speech bubbles, underlines, and line markers
  • Create a blank space in the POP background

This article explains the design of Promotion Materials used to create sales spaces. Please also check.

  Tips for selecting Promotion Materials designs! Things to keep in mind to avoid making mistakes Promotion Materials are tools aimed at increasing product awareness and encouraging purchasing behavior. They are used in situations such as advertising products and announcing campaigns, but design is important for an effective approach. In this article, we will explain the role of Promotion Materials design, tips for selecting effective designs, and points to keep in mind. EX Kansei - The science of selling design

“Effectiveness verification” is the key to creating POP that leads to sales

In order to use POP to increase sales, it is important to verify the effectiveness of the promotion and use it to make improvements.

▼How to conduct effectiveness verification

  • Conducting interviews and mystery shopping in-store
  • Install AI cameras and sensors near POPs and display shelves
  • Utilize tools that can evaluate and analyze the movement and attention of customers

By measuring data such as the number of people who visit each section of the sales floor, the length of time they stay there, and the routes they take, you can analyze customer movements and review the location, position, and content of your POP displays.


In this article, we have explained the following about POP to be displayed in sales areas:

  • The role and types of POP
  • How to make eye-catching POP and key points
  • How to conduct effectiveness testing

POP used as a promotional tool in the sales area has roles such as supplementing product descriptions, creating an image, and providing information and announcements about the store.

The key points are to narrow down the information to be conveyed according to the purpose, use a uniform color scheme, incorporate numbers, photos, and illustrations, and add contrast to objects. Additionally, after installing a POP, it is necessary to measure and analyze the effect it has had on customer purchasing behavior, which can be used to improve the POP design and sales floor.

However, it is difficult to quantitatively evaluate "which elements of POP stimulated purchasing behavior" or "what impression it left," and it is easily influenced by the subjectivity of the person in charge of production. It is also effective to use tools to make objective evaluations that do not rely on intuition or experience.

Konica Minolta offers a tool called "EX Sensibility" that maximizes the effectiveness of Promotion Materials, including POP. Using EX Sensibility, you can quantitatively analyze and evaluate the attention and impression of a sales floor based on cutting-edge image analysis technology and emotional brain engineering. We aim to maximize the effectiveness of POP with a reasoned design that does not rely on the intuition or experience of the production staff.

For detailed service details, please check this document.

  Download Form EX Kansei | You can Download the EX Kansei overview materials and Case study that visualize Konica Minolta's sensibilities. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

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