
Optimize planograms to promote purchasing! Explaining 5 points and methods

Retail stores such as department stores, supermarkets, and drug stores display a wide variety of products. In addition to displaying products so that they are easy to see and find, it is also necessary to consider planograms that will stimulate the desire to purchase and make people want to pick up the products after they stop in front of the shelves.

The method of planogram allocation influences customer decision-making and therefore has a significant impact on product sales. Some people may be worried about store planograms, such as ``I don't know the planograms that will sell products, so I do it based on my intuition and experience,'' and ``I often end up with out-of-stock items or surplus inventory.'' .

In this article, we will explain the basic knowledge of planograms in retail stores, as well as points to increase purchasing motivation and methods for optimizing purchasing.

Table of contents [hidden]

  1. 1.Basicknowledge of planogram
  2. 2.Points for optimizing planogram
    1. 2.1.① Place related products nearby
    2. 2.2.②Adjust the number of faces according to sales
    3. 2.3.③Be aware of the golden zone
    4. 2.4.④ Consider product placement according to eye movements
    5. 2.5.⑤ Adopt display methods that match the characteristics of the product
  3. 3.Usingtools is effective for optimizing planograms
  4. 4.Summary_

Basic knowledge of shelf allocation

The products displayed and the number of shelves vary depending on the store, but the basis of planograms is to consider what, where, and how many to place.

There are three basic elements when considering planograms:

▼Basic elements of planogram



1. grouping

Separate product categories

2. zoning

Arrange display shelves and fixtures according to the space in the store

3. Facing

Decide the number of rows (number of faces) of products to be arranged on the display shelf.

Grouping involves classifying and organizing products based on various aspects such as product usage, function, brand, size, price range, and design. It is common to display categorized and organized products together in the same category.

When zoning, it is necessary to place display shelves in locations where they are easy to move, find, and pick up, taking into account customer flow lines and space within the store.

When it comes to facing, it is important to increase or decrease the number of rows on the shelves depending on the volume of products you want to sell and sales performance.

Points for optimizing planogram

In order to optimize the planogram, it is important to consider where to place products, keeping in mind the three basic elements of planograms, and keeping customer behavior and line of sight in mind. Here are five points to keep in mind:

① Place related products nearby

The key is to categorize your products and place highly related product categories nearby.

Placing related products nearby makes it easier for customers to shop with a smooth flow. Additionally, related products that you weren't originally looking for will catch your eye, and you can expect this to have the effect of promoting "combined purchases."

▼Example of placement of related products

  1. Place the sauce near the meat department
  2. Place toothpaste or mouthwash near your toothbrush
  3. Place pillows and sheets near the bed mat

②Adjust the number of faces depending on sales

It is also important to adjust the number of shelves on the shelf depending on the sales of the product.

Increase the number of faces for best-selling products, mainstay products, and products with a high turnover rate, and reduce the number of faces for products that do not sell well.

The more faces you have, the more likely your product will catch your eye and the more likely you are to pick it up. Additionally, having a large number of faces allows you to display a sufficient number of products, thereby preventing out-of-stock items.

③Be aware of the golden zone

One of the key points is to place best-selling products or products you want to increase sales in the golden zone.

The golden zone is the location on the shelf where products are easily seen and accessible, and refers to the area from a person's chest to their shoulders. Basically, the range is approximately 60 to 150 cm from the floor. However, since it varies depending on gender and age, it is necessary to change the height depending on the group purchasing the product.

④ Consider product placement according to eye movements

When considering how to display products on a single shelf, the key is to place products in a clear manner, keeping eye movements in mind.

When a customer stands in the center of a shelf and searches for a product, their line of sight tends to move from the top left to the bottom right. However, since there are various patterns of eye movement, it is necessary to consider the criteria and characteristics that differentiate product categories.

▼Example of product placement with eye movement in mind

  • Place new and featured products in the top left, where they are first seen.
  • Place main products and standard products in the middle or right side of the shelf
  • Place the high price range on the top, the middle price range on the middle, and the low price range on the bottom.
  • Place low-selling products in the center and best-selling products on both sides (improves visibility)

In this way, it is also effective to use gaze analysis tools when considering display methods based on customer eye movements. By displaying products based on the analysis results, you can expect to have the effect of making it easier for people to pick up the products you want to sell.

⑤ Adopt display methods that match the characteristics of the product

It is also effective to change the display method and location according to the characteristics of the product, such as main products, new products, sale products, and products you want to increase sales.

There are generally different types of display methods, such as vertical display, horizontal display, island display, end display, and jumble display, each with different characteristics.

▼Main display methods

Display method


vertical display

  • A method of displaying products in the same category vertically
  • Easy to understand the location of each product on the display shelf

horizontal display

  • A method of displaying products in the same category horizontally
  • Easy to display large quantities of products and attract attention

island display

  • A method of setting up fixtures and displaying products on tables
  • You can highlight the products you want to sell

end display

  • A method of displaying products at both ends of a display shelf
  • If the shelf is in the main aisle, it will be easier to generate sales.

jumble display

  • A method of setting up fixtures and displaying products casually
  • Easy to create a sense of value

Examples of effective displays that take advantage of each feature are listed below.

▼Product display example

  • To increase the visibility of new products and limited-time products, place them in end displays and island displays.
  • Arrange in a jumble display to emphasize the value of sale and closeout items.
  • Arrange horizontally to promote products in a specific category
  • Arrange products in the same category vertically to make them easier to see

Utilizing tools is effective for optimizing planograms

Utilizing tools is effective in optimizing planograms and promoting purchasing.

If planograms are done manually, the response may be individualized and the quality may vary depending on the person in charge. In addition, when selling new products, replacing products, or holding sales, it is necessary to reconsider the planogram while considering the entire product, which requires resources such as time and know-how.

By using tools that can analyze flow lines and line of sight from the customer's perspective, you can identify current issues and areas for improvement, which can lead to optimization of planograms. In recent years, some systems have appeared that analyze planograms based on brain science and approach them from the perspective of consumer sensibilities.

`` Explainable KANSEI'' uses line-of-sight analysis based on kansei brain engineering to determine the optimal display method for the products you want to sell.

▼ Benefits of Explainable KANSEI

  • You can analyze where you are being viewed.
  • Visualize eye movement and dwell time

By using Explainable KANSEI, you can display a heat map of where customers are looking at a product, and visualize the movement of their eyes and the length of time they spend on the product after initial recognition. By predicting the customer's line of sight, it becomes possible to consider planograms that match the characteristics of the product.


In this article, we explained the following about store planograms.

  • Basic knowledge of shelf allocation
  • Points for optimizing planogram
  • Analytical tools to help optimize planograms

Planogram is one of the essential elements to support customer purchasing behavior. To get people to pick up a product, place related products nearby, adjust the number of faces depending on the product's sales, be aware of the golden zone and the movement of people's eyes, and consider the characteristics of the product. The key is to display it.

Additionally, in order to streamline manual planogram work and achieve more optimized product placement, it is also effective to use tools that can analyze line of sight from the customer's perspective.

Konica Minolta's ` Explainable KANSEI'' visualizes human sensibilities based on kansei brain engineering and enables quantitative analysis of designs. By analyzing the impression and attention level of advertisements, it becomes possible to create advertisements that are more suitable for the target, which supports consumer purchasing behavior.

Detailed information can be Download here.

  Download EX Kansei | Konica Minolta You can Download the EX Kansei overview materials and Case study studies that visualize people's sensibilities. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

This article explains how to guide your eyes to encourage customer behavior. Please also check.

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