
Three essential points and precautions when renewing product packaging

The packaging is the face of the product and is the first thing that consumers see at physical stores and e-commerce sites. In order to encourage the purchase of a product, it is important to come up with an attractive package design that catches the eye of consumers and arouses their interest. In addition, it is necessary to visually convey the product concept and brand image.

Sales are sluggish, and many companies are facing issues such as not being able to differentiate their products from competing products through packaging and not knowing which designs will be preferred by their target customers. Some of you may be considering renewing the packaging to bring out the appeal of your products even more.

In this article, we will explain the points and things to keep in mind when renewing your product's packaging.

Table of contents [hidden]

  1. 1.Importance of packaging
  2. 2.Key points when renewing packaging
    1. 2.1.① Decide on the design concept
    2. 2.2.②Choose colors based on the impression you want to give
    3. 2.3.③Incorporate the product's selling point into the catchphrase
  3. 3.Points to note when renewing the package
  4. 4.Summary_

Importance of packaging

Product packaging is an important advertising tool to increase consumer willingness to purchase.

With all kinds of products available on the Internet and in stores, consumers make decisions about whether to buy or not by looking at the information on the packaging. If the packaging is not impressive compared to other products, it will not catch the attention of consumers and will not reach the point of comparison.

Additionally, if customers feel that the product is different from competing products, that they don't understand the selling points of the product, or that the design is outdated or not to their liking, they will not be motivated to purchase and will end up not making a purchase.

Furthermore, packaging that simply reflects trends or focuses only on cool, cute, and beautiful looks will easily stand out, but will be difficult to brand in the medium to long term.

In order to get people to pick up your product and make a purchase, it is important to create an attractive package design that impresses the target with the product and makes them want it. In addition, in order to make a product that will be loved for a long time, it is necessary to come up with a design that matches the tastes and sensibilities of the target audience.

Points to remember when renewing your package

When renewing packaging, it is important to create a design that conveys the product's features and appeal at a glance. There are three points to keep in mind:

① Decide on the design concept

We decide on the design concept by determining the purpose and target, such as why we are renewing the product and what kind of people we want to buy it.

The key is to consider the product's features, image, and target audience, and to think about what kind of product you want people to think when they look at the package.

▼Example of design concept concept

  • Create a sense of luxury in order to differentiate from competitors with added value other than price
  • Change the image of the product to give it a softer impression in order to target a new customer base
  • When launching a new line of products, the previous design will be completely redesigned.

②Choose a color based on the impression you want to give

The key is to choose the color scheme of your package by thinking about the impression you want to give to your target audience.

The color scheme of a package is one of the important elements that influences consumer attention and impression. In addition to giving different impressions depending on the color, there are also symbolic colors that affect images and psychological effects depending on age and gender.

▼Example of impression given by color

  • Women → soft colors
  • Male → Calm color
  • warm → warm colors
  • Cold → Cool colors, etc.

The key is to consider what kind of impression you want to give to your target audience, and to consider a color scheme that reflects that image while taking into account the design concept. By using colors in your packaging that resonate with the sensibilities of your target audience, you can make it easier for them to choose your product intuitively.

▼General images of colors



image to give

1. Types of colors


strong, passionate, active


Quiet, refreshing, mysterious


cute, sweet, gentle


cheerfulness, hope


bright, positive


calm, calm, natural


natural, calm, conservative


cool, classy


pure, clean, nothing

2. Lightness

bright colors

light, soft

dark color

heavy, hard

3. Chroma

Bright colors

flashy, eye-catching

pale colour

calm, dull

③Incorporate the product's selling point into the catchphrase

A catchphrase is a factor for consumers who have not yet purchased the product to judge what kind of product it is and what its appeal, strengths, and particularities are.

Incorporate a catchphrase into the package to make the product stand out and clearly convey the "selling" points you want to promote as strengths.

▼Example of “selling” points to be incorporated into the catchphrase

  • Something that appeals to the target's concerns and needs and resonates with them.
  • Items that allow you to imagine usage scenarios after purchase
  • Something that emphasizes the product's particularity (what makes it different from competing products)

Points to note when renewing packages

When renewing a package, please note the following:

▼Notes on package renewal

  • Place the product name/logo where it can be easily seen
  • Respect existing image
  • Ensure ease of use and safety

If you change the design due to renewal, existing customers may not be able to recognize the product, so the product name and logo must be placed in a place that is easy to see.

Also, if you want to maintain the image of the product as it was, make sure that the world view does not deviate from the image of the existing package. If you want to make improvements to increase appeal without changing the design concept, it is important to create multiple prototypes and determine what should remain and what should be changed.

Furthermore, it is a major premise that product packaging ensures ease of use and safety. It is important not only to design the package, but also to make the package the right shape and material for the product.


In this article, we explained the following regarding the renewal of product packaging.

  • Importance of packaging
  • Points to remember when renewing your package
  • Points to note when renewing packages

Product packaging is one of the important elements that increases consumer willingness to purchase. When renewing, it is important to decide on a design concept based on the purpose and target, choose colors that match the impression you want to give to the target, and incorporate a catchphrase that conveys the product's selling point.

Additionally, when trying to encourage purchases by renewing packaging, it is also effective to consider the design using tools. In recent years, products that utilize brain science and approach consumers' sensibilities have also appeared.

Konica Minolta's ` Explainable KANSEI'' visualizes human sensibilities based on kansei brain engineering and enables quantitative analysis of designs. By analyzing the impression and attention level of advertisements, it becomes possible to create advertisements that are more suitable for the target, which supports consumer purchasing behavior.

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This article explains design from a marketing perspective. Please also check.

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