
Improving design will radically change marketing! What is the importance of design in determining whether it sells or not?

Everyday life is filled with all sorts of designs, including product packaging, advertisements, websites, and store decorations. Design is an important element for capturing information about each object and creating an impression, and is an essential point of view when thinking about corporate marketing.

In order to attract the attention of consumers, arouse their interest, and increase their desire to purchase, it is important to consider designs that will appeal to the target audience.

Some people in charge who are thinking of carrying out marketing that focuses more on design as part of their promotional activities have questions such as, ``How important is the design perspective?'' and ``Are there any ideas that can be useful when thinking about design?'' I'm sure there are some people who do.

In this article, we will explain the importance of design in marketing and the frameworks that can be used.

Table of contents [hidden]

  1. 1.Whatis the essential meaning of design?
  2. 2.Theimportance of design in marketing
    1. 2.1.① Convey value and information that cannot be conveyed in words
    2. 2.2.②Consumers become a factor that supports decision-making
    3. 2.3.③ Connect to branding
  3. 3.“Design thinking” that can be used in marketing
  4. 4.Analyze design using brain engineering
  5. 5.Summary_

What is the essential meaning of design?

When we think of design, we tend to think of it as creating something visually appealing, such as ``beautiful,'' ``pretty,'' ``stylish,'' or ``cool,'' but it doesn't just mean that.

The essential meaning of design is to convey value by embodying the concept and image of a product or service, taking into account the issues and needs of consumers.

In addition to color and shape, the purpose of design is to consider ease of use and understandability for consumers, and to express what you want to convey.

▼Misunderstood meanings of designs and their true meanings

Meaning that is easily misunderstood

original meaning

essential meaning

Design visual appeal

Convey the value of products and services based on consumer needs

purpose of design

Improve the appearance of colors, shapes, etc.

Express with ease of use and understanding in mind

The importance of design in marketing

When humans receive information, it is said that vision accounts for over 80% of the five senses. The visual effect of design is extremely important when considering marketing measures.

Here are some reasons why designing from a marketing perspective is important:

① Convey value and information that cannot be conveyed in words

The first is to convey values that cannot be conveyed through words.

By using color schemes, logos, objects, illustrations, white space, etc., you can intuitively convey the brand's worldview, product concept, and commitment, which is difficult to convey with text and photos alone. This is expected to lead to arousing consumer interest and fostering a sense of attachment.

②Consumers become a factor that supports decision-making

The second reason is that it becomes a factor for consumers to choose between.

The design of product packaging and advertising media is one of the important elements that influences consumers' impressions. By capturing the characteristics of a product or store and visually expressing them as a design, customers can deepen their understanding of the content at a glance and support decision-making.

In addition, by creating a design that resonates with consumers' tastes, preferences, and sensibilities, we can make them feel that they like the product, that it's cool/cute, or that it suits them, and increase their desire to purchase. This will encourage actions such as purchasing, visiting the store, and making inquiries.

③Connect to branding

The third reason is to connect it to branding.

By creating a design that matches the product concept and has a unified worldview, you can improve the brand image of your product or company. Improving your brand image will differentiate you from your competitors and improve customer loyalty, contributing to increased repeat rates and average spend per customer.

“Design thinking” that can be used in marketing

Design thinking is a framework that uses visual ideas and expressions to solve problems and needs of users. It can be used as a thought process when considering design for marketing.

The design thinking process can be divided into five parts:

▼Design thinking process




1. empathy

Know and empathize with your target's opinions, actions, and emotions.

  • Conduct surveys and interviews
  • Obtain user behavior data on the web

2. definition

Analyze and extract target issues and needs

  • Create customer experience from the target's perspective

3. creation

generate ideas

  • Convert ideas into letters and sketches
  • Generate new ideas by associating from one idea
  • Group and combine ideas

Four. Trial production

Try out your ideas

  • Simulate the design
  • Try actually making it

Five. test


  • Evaluate ease of use, size, shape, and sensitivity based on evaluation criteria
  • Repeat the process of rethinking and improving

Analyzing design using brain engineering

Analysis using brain engineering is a new method for incorporating design into marketing measures.

"Explainable KANSEI" is an online service that scientifically visualizes human sensibilities and quantitatively analyzes designs. We use brain engineering to analyze attention-grabbing and color scheme images in the design of product packages, advertisements, websites, etc. This allows you to visualize the impression you make on your target audience.

▼ Image of Explainable KANSEI

Explainable KANSEI image

Using sensory neuroscience and image analysis, we can visualize the effects on people's sensibilities, which allows us to derive "designs that sell" that will lead to purchasing activities.

It can be used to solve marketing issues such as ``concerns about whether the characteristics and appeal are being conveyed effectively through design'' and ``design decisions tend to be biased toward the tastes of the person in charge.''


In this article, we explained the following about design from a marketing perspective.

  • The essential meaning of design
  • The importance of design in marketing
  • “Design thinking” that can be used in marketing
  • “Explainable KANSEI” useful for design thinking

Design has the purpose of embodying the concept of a company's products and services and conveying its value, taking into account consumer needs.

Design also plays an important role in corporate marketing, as it arouses interest and encourages consumer purchasing behavior, and connects to branding.

Konica Minolta's ` Explainable KANSEI'' visualizes human sensibilities based on kansei brain engineering and enables quantitative analysis of designs. By analyzing the impression and attention level of advertisements, it becomes possible to create advertisements that are more suitable for the target, which supports consumer purchasing behavior.

You can Download detailed information on EX Kansei here.

  Download EX Kansei | Konica Minolta You can Download the EX Kansei overview materials and Case study studies that visualize people's sensibilities. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

This article explains how to predict the effectiveness of advertising. Please also check.

  Predict advertising effectiveness and increase cost efficiency! Explanation of the main indicators and methods Advertisements used as a sales promotion tool for companies. Nowadays, with the advent of web advertising due to the spread of smartphones and SNS, the types of advertising media are diversifying, and bidding competition with competitors is becoming more intense. In order to be exposed to more targets, you need to reach out to a wider range of advertising media both offline and online, and increase your bids. However, if the desired effect is not achieved and the project ends in failure, there is a risk of loss. Advertising effectiveness prediction (advertisement simulation) is effective in preventing such risks and performing cost-effective advertising operations. In this article, we will explain the benefits, indicators, and specific methods of predicting advertising effectiveness. Explainable KANSEI- The science of design that sells

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