
Capture the hearts of consumers with emotional marketing! Three usage examples to stimulate purchasing desire

In recent years, consumer consumption styles and values have diversified due to the development of digital technology and the red ocean market. With all kinds of things and information overflowing, it is important to provide an attractive customer experience and provide added value in order to lead to product purchases.

However, traditional marketing strategies typically consider measures based on quantitative data such as purchase history and sales results. Therefore, it is difficult to decipher consumers' needs and issues from their hidden psychology and emotions, such as ``why did they choose this product?'' and ``what impression did they have after using it?''

A method called ``emotional marketing'' is attracting attention in order to understand the deep psychology of consumers and consider how this influences purchasing behavior and decision-making.

For companies that operate stores or e-commerce sites, some may have questions about ``what is emotional marketing?'' and ``how to use it.''

This article provides an overview of emotional marketing, its characteristics, and specific usage examples.

Table of contents [hidden]

  1. 1.Whatis emotional marketing?
  2. 2.Characteristicsof emotional marketing
  3. 3.Three usage examples of emotional marketing
    1. 3.1.① Production of advertising materials
    2. 3.2.② Renewal of product packaging
    3. 3.3.③ Optimization of planogram
  4. 4.Quantifying sensitivity through analysis using emotional brain engineering
  5. 5.Summary_

What is emotional marketing?

Emotional marketing is a marketing method that appeals to consumers' emotions, feelings, and thoughts.

When consumers make decisions or make purchases, they do not necessarily look only at visible features, performance, and price. It is thought that the following subconscious thoughts also have an influence.

“The design was perfect for my taste.”
"I've been feeling tired lately, so I wanted to heal myself."
“Let’s try to treat ourselves today” etc.

Analysis using conventional quantitative data (purchase history, e-commerce site access logs) has the problem of making it difficult to read such deep-seated true feelings, emotions, and emotions.

In order to provide a more appealing customer experience, differentiate yourself from competitors, and improve customer satisfaction, it is important to consider marketing strategies that resonate with consumers.

Emotional marketing involves reading, quantifying, and evaluating consumers' emotions and subconscious thoughts, as well as their superficial behavior. This is expected to reveal previously invisible issues and areas for improvement.

Characteristics of emotional marketing

A feature of emotional marketing is that it can visualize qualitative data such as consumers' emotions and thoughts that were previously invisible.

``I ran an advertisement based on purchase history, but I didn't get the results I expected.'' ``I want to think of a product package that will resonate with my target audience, but I don't know what kind of image consumers have of me.'' This can lead to solving problems.

▼What you can expect from emotional marketing

  • Understand the reasons and factors for sales
  • You can break away from design and appeal methods based on intuition and experience.
  • Identify factors that differentiate you from competitors
  • Discover new strengths of products

By incorporating affective marketing, marketing measures can be considered from both quantitative and qualitative data, leading to the provision of experiential value that is tailored to consumers.

Three usage examples of emotional marketing

Emotional marketing can be used in a variety of situations, including the design of products or Promotion Materials and store management. From here, we will introduce three main usage examples.

① Production of advertising materials

When creating advertising materials such as store flyers and direct mail, by using emotional marketing, you will be able to design attractive layouts and designs that easily catch the eye of consumers and appeal to their emotions.

▼Example of advertising analysis

  • Analyze locations that are likely to catch the attention of consumers
  • Analyzing eye movement and dwell time after initial recognition
  • Analyzing the impression and Complexity of color schemes and layouts

Visibility and readability can be improved by visualizing consumer behavior by analyzing things such as where they look in advertising materials and what kind of impression they give.

②Renewal of product packaging

Product packaging has the role of visually conveying the product's features and brand concept to make people want to buy it. By utilizing emotional marketing, it is possible to perform the following analyses.

▼Product package analysis example

  • Analyze color usage to get closer to the impression you want to give to consumers
  • Analyzing the readability of text on packaging

By considering the color scheme, layout, catchphrase, etc. of product packaging based on these analysis results, we hope that it will be easier for consumers to pick up the product intuitively.

The renewal of product packaging is also explained in this article. Please also check.

  Three essential points and things to keep in mind when renewing product packaging : The packaging is the face of the product, and is the first thing consumers see at physical stores and e-commerce sites. In order to encourage the purchase of a product, it is important to come up with an attractive package design that catches the eye of consumers and arouses their interest. In addition, it is necessary to visually convey the product concept and brand image. Sales are sluggish, and many companies are facing issues such as not being able to differentiate their products from competing products through packaging and not knowing which designs will be preferred by their target customers. Some of you may be considering renewing the packaging to bring out the appeal of your products even more. In this article, we will explain the points and things to keep in mind when renewing your product's packaging. Explainable KANSEI Science of design that sells

③Optimization of planogram

Planograms are one of the important elements for consumers visiting a store to recognize products and make purchasing decisions.

Emotional marketing is useful for not only making it easier to see and find products in the store, but also for displaying products in a way that stimulates the desire to buy and makes people pick them up. For example, perform the following analysis.

▼Example of planogram analysis

  • Analyze the display shelves where the products you want to appeal to and the best-selling products tend to attract attention.
  • Analyze low visibility locations

If you incorporate sensitivity analysis into the planogram and review the display locations and methods, you can expect to get people to pick up the products you want to sell, and increase sales of products that are not selling well.

This article provides a detailed explanation of planogram optimization.

  Optimize planograms to promote purchasing! Explaining 5 points and methods Retail stores such as department stores, supermarkets, and drug stores display a wide variety of products. In addition to displaying products so that they are easy to see and find, it is also necessary to consider planograms that will stimulate the desire to purchase and make people want to pick up the products after they stop in front of the shelves. The method of planogram allocation influences customer decision-making and therefore has a significant impact on product sales. Some people may be worried about store planograms, such as ``I don't know which planograms will sell the products, so I do it based on my intuition and experience,'' and ``I often end up with out-of-stock items or surplus inventory.'' . In this article, we will explain the basic knowledge of planograms in retail stores, as well as points to increase purchasing motivation and methods for optimizing purchasing. Explainable KANSEI- The science of design that sells

Quantifying sensitivity through analysis using emotional brain engineering

In order to engage in emotional marketing, it is necessary to read not only the surface behavior but also the deep psychology of consumers, but accurate analysis is not possible with quantitative data alone. Utilizing IT tools is effective in analyzing consumer sensibilities.

One of these IT tools is one that allows anyone to easily try emotional marketing by simply importing their own packaging and advertising designs into SAAS software.

Konica Minolta offers Explainable KANSEI, an IT tool that uses image analysis technology to visualize human sensibilities by combining kansei brain engineering and image analysis technology.

▼ Image of Explainable KANSEI

Explainable KANSEI analyzes the act of "seeing" based on brain science and quantitatively visualizes factors that lead to recognition, interest, and purchase. By moving away from design based on the intuition, experience, and preferences of the person in charge, and considering marketing measures from a consumer's perspective, we can solve problems in a variety of fields.


In this article, we have explained the following about emotional marketing.

  • Overview of emotional marketing
  • Characteristics of emotional marketing
  • Examples of how to use emotional marketing
  • How to quantify sensibility through analysis using kansei brain engineering

By incorporating emotional marketing, you can visualize qualitative data such as consumers' emotions and thoughts that were previously invisible. This makes it possible to consider marketing strategies that appeal to sensibilities.

Quantitatively evaluating consumers' subconscious thoughts and psychology can be used to create advertising materials, renew product packaging, optimize shelf allocation, etc. Additionally, it is effective to utilize IT tools to analyze and quantify sensibilities.

Konica Minolta's `` Explainable KANSEI'' makes it possible to visualize and quantitatively analyze human sensibilities based on kansei brain engineering. We can create “designs that sell” for advertising media, product packaging, sales floors, etc.

For more information about our services, please see this document.

  Download EX Kansei | Konica Minolta You can Download the EX Kansei overview materials and Case study studies that visualize people's sensibilities. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

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