
What is important in package design? 4 tips to increase purchasing motivation

When consumers purchase a product, the first thing they see is the packaging design.

Package design not only motivates consumers to pick up the product they are interested in from the display shelves, but is also an important factor in deciding whether or not to purchase the product. Since it also affects product sales, it is necessary to devise a design that attracts consumers' attention and increases their desire to purchase.

In companies engaged in product development and design production, some people are searching for questions such as ``What should we focus on in package design?'' and ``What kind of package design should we create to contribute to sales?'' I think so.

In this article, we will explain what is important in package design and design tips to increase purchase motivation.

Please see this article for points to keep in mind when renewing product packaging.

  Three essential points and things to keep in mind when renewing product packaging : The packaging is the face of the product, and is the first thing consumers see at physical stores and e-commerce sites. In order to encourage the purchase of a product, it is important to come up with an attractive package design that catches the eye of consumers and arouses their interest. In addition, it is necessary to visually convey the product concept and brand image. Sales are sluggish, and many companies are facing issues such as not being able to differentiate their products from competing products through packaging and not knowing which designs will be preferred by their target customers. Some of you may be considering renewing the packaging to bring out the appeal of your products even more. In this article, we will explain the points and things to keep in mind when renewing your product's packaging. Explainable KANSEI Science of design that sells

Table of contents [hidden]

  1. 1.Important things in package design
    1. 1.1.Promote purchase intention
    2. 1.2.Convey the concept of the product or brand
    3. 1.3.Creatingexperiential value for products
  2. 2.4 tips to increase purchasing intent with package design
    1. 2.1.① Dig deeper into consumer insights
    2. 2.2.② Differentiate your products from competitors' products
    3. 2.3.③Be aware of seasons and trends
    4. 2.4.④ Incorporate a catchphrase
  3. 3.It is also effective to analyze the design scientifically
  4. 4.Summary_

What is important in package design

When creating a product packaging design, it is important to consider the following three elements:

Promote purchasing intent

Package design is one of the factors that consumers use to make purchasing decisions when products are displayed in stores.

In addition to making consumers aware of the product, it is necessary to use comprehensive elements such as the shape, texture, color, and catchphrase of the package to encourage purchase.

Convey the concept of the product or brand

Visually communicating the concept of a product or brand to consumers is also a required element in package design.

For product packaging, basic brand elements such as logos, characters, and product/brand names must be embodied and incorporated into the design.

Create experiential value for products

Creating a variety of experiential values that can be obtained through products is also an essential element when considering package design.

Experience value refers to the emotional and psychological value that can be obtained by using a product. In package design, it refers to the value that can be obtained through the following actions and experiences.

▼Actions that create experience value in package design

  • pick up the product
  • Introduce and share with others
  • Post a photo of the product on SNS
  • Process and reuse package designs

Improving the value of this experience through package design will help you brand your company and build a loyal customer base.

4 tips to increase purchasing intent with package design

By devising a package design, you can expect to have the effect of increasing consumers' desire to purchase. Here are four tips to keep in mind when designing.

① Dig deeper into consumer insights

When considering product packaging design, it is important to dig deep into consumer insights and investigate and analyze their essential needs.

Insight refers to the deep psychology and hidden true feelings of consumers, as opposed to their immediate desires.

By digging deeper into the insights, you will be able to consider design elements that stimulate purchase intent by assuming consumers' purchasing reasons and decision-making factors.

② Differentiate from competitors' products

Another trick is to differentiate the packaging design from competitors' products.

At a store, the appearance of the package is greatly influenced by where it is displayed, such as on the upper or lower shelf, and by the display method, such as laying it flat or hanging it.

In order to make your product stand out among other competitors' products, it is important to create an original design.

▼Tips for differentiating your products from those of your competitors

  • Change the shape and material of the package itself
  • Change the color scheme and illustrations of the package

③Be aware of seasons and trends

For products that are easily affected by the seasons, such as food and household goods, it is effective to express a sense of the season in the package design.

By incorporating colors that represent spring, summer, fall, and winter to create a visual impression, you can expect to have the effect of drawing out the desire to purchase. The trick to the color scheme of your packaging is to incorporate colors that evoke a sense of the season.

▼Example of colors that evoke a sense of the season




Pink, yellow-green, pale color, etc.


Blue, light blue, green, yellow, etc.


brown, yellow, red etc.


White, red, navy blue, gray, etc.

In addition, in recent years, there has been a rise in the behavior of "ethical consumption" that takes into account people, society, and the environment, so consideration must be given to the materials and design of packaging.

▼Example of package design based on ethical perspectives

  • Use recyclable materials
  • Use materials made from FSC-certified paper
  • Write a message regarding environmental friendliness of the product

④Incorporate a catchphrase

The package design must include an easy-to-understand catchphrase to accurately convey the appeal of the product.

It is important to supplement information with clear catchphrases that concretely convey concepts and messages that are difficult to convey through photos, illustrations, and shapes alone.

▼Example of catchphrase for beverages


Concrete example

If you want to emphasize the taste

Lemonade from morning-picked lemons

If you want to emphasize nutritional aspects

Lemonade with the vitamin C equivalent of 10 lemons

It is also effective to analyze the design scientifically.

In order to increase consumers' desire to purchase, it is also effective to scientifically analyze eye movements and impressions when considering package design.

Konica Minolta's `` Explainable KANSEI'' uses kansei brain engineering and image analysis technology to visualize people's eye movements, impressions, visibility, etc., and quantitatively analyze designs that will sell.

▼ Image of Explainable KANSEI

By analyzing what part of the product consumers look at and how long they look at it, we can identify elements included in designs that sell and do not sell, making it possible to efficiently create highly appealing package designs. You can explore it.

Detailed service details are introduced here.

  Service introduction Explainable KANSEI | Introducing the services of Konica Minolta Explainable KANSEI. Explainable KANSEI- The science of design that sells


In this article, we explained the following about product packaging design.

  • What is important in package design
  • 4 tips to increase purchasing intent with package design
  • IT tools to scientifically analyze designs

Package design is required to stimulate purchasing intent, convey the concept of the product/brand, and create experiential value.

To achieve this, the trick is to dig deeply into insights, differentiate your product from competitors' products, consider seasonal trends and trends, and incorporate a catchphrase.

Another method is to use IT tools that can quantitatively analyze designs based on consumers' gaze and impressions when looking at product packaging.

Konica Minolta's `` Explainable KANSEI'' combines kansei brain engineering and image analysis technology to visualize the act of ``seeing.'' It is useful when creating product package designs.

For detailed service details, please see this document.

  Download EX Kansei | Konica Minolta You can Download the EX Kansei overview materials and Case study studies that visualize people's sensibilities. EX Kansei - The science of design that sells

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