Direct mail design improvement example

Access rate from direct mail increased by 8 times!
Greatly contributes to sales promotion.

Food EC site management


Food Culture Co., Ltd.

Customer challenges

As the number of offline visits by customers decreased in the coronavirus era, we started a direct mail campaign, but the access rate to our e-commerce site from QR codes included in direct mail remained at around 10%, and it was difficult to increase the rate of access to our e-commerce site. The issue was implementing measures.

Results obtained

At the same time as customer personalization, the design improves the prominence of text and images based on Explainable KANSEI, increasing the access rate to QR codes by more than 8 times compared to previous models! This led to major sales promotion.

Background of introduction

"Shokubunka Co., Ltd." operates an e-commerce site where general consumers can easily purchase fresh and processed products from all over the country with a wide selection and quality.

When direct mail was sent to customers to inform them of a campaign aimed at promoting sales, the access rate from the QR code was sluggish at 10%, so they worked on improvements using Explainable KANSEI.

Improvement flow

1. customer analysis

Before improving the direct mail design, we analyze the current customers based on survey results in order to create a design that suits the customer.

Based on a survey conducted to classify customer types based on behavioral economics, we classified them into three typical customer types: bandwagon, brand-oriented, and self-centered.

Classify customers into 3 types: ①⑥⑪

① Buy products from famous manufacturers rather than unknown ones.
② I like knowing information such as the history and story of a product.
③ Wait until you can get what you want cheaply on sale.
④ Buy things that are cheap and economical, even if they are from unknown brands.
⑤ I often check product reputation and reviews before buying.
⑥ I often buy recommended and ranked products from stores.
⑦ I feel secure in what sells best.
⑧ I want to buy something different from the people around me
⑨ When I see someone else owning one, I can’t help but want it.
⑩ I often choose popular products
⑪ If you come across a product that you think is the one, buy it without hesitation.
⑫ If it is a famous manufacturer or brand product, I will buy it even if it is a little expensive.

2. design analysis

As a result of analyzing the causes of lack of access to the QR code based on the current design, we identified the issue of ``weak conspicuousness'' overall.

The design has been improved to make the title text and image more noticeable, increasing the attention of the image by 1.68 times.

Furthermore, we created three types of after designs based on the type of customer.

3. Confirm results

As a result of sending a more conspicuous after-plan to the customer,the QR code access rate increased by more than 6 times.

In particular,
personalization was performed for customers who understand the value of the product, and an astounding increase of more than 8 times was confirmed, contributing greatly to sales promotion.
Improved the low "conspicuousness" of DM text and images.
Traffic rate to QR code increases by up to 8 times,
This greatly contributed to sales promotion!

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