Package design improvement example

Improved design increases sales volume!
Package evaluation by experts
Earned a high score of 4.6 out of 5!

Long-established miso brewery


Yoshino Miso Co., Ltd.

Customer challenges

When producing our own packaging, we received a request to develop a package design that would appeal to local consumers. Specifically, the challenge was to successfully convey the Hiroshima-ness of the company's brand image, while at the same time creating a design that would stand out to consumers.

Results obtained

When we developed a design that understood consumers' sensibilities using Explainable KANSEI, we sold out of the 13,000 units we had prepared in advance, and the improved package design received a 5-5 rating from experts in package evaluation. It received a high score of 4.6 out of 5 points.

Background of introduction

Yoshino Miso is the oldest miso brewery in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture, founded in 1917.While stubbornly preserving the good old and traditional flavors that have existed since our founding, weare working on creating miso processed products with a new feel that is approachable to the younger generation.This time,in order to create a package that successfully conveys the Hiroshima-ness as a brand image for our product, we have introduced Explainable KANSEI.

Improvement flow

1. Customer analysis/improvement proposal creation

We actually convened a diverse user base and held a workshop to qualitatively acquire brand image, important elements, and stories. Based on these, we created design prototypes that embody the customer opinions of each group.

2. design analysis

We conducted attention-grabbing and positioning evaluations and selected the most suitable design proposal.

・Awareness = attention analysis We confirmed whether the ``Hiroshima'' theme was appealing, and evaluated that it had a higher appeal than other designs on the sales floor.

・Comparison = Positioning: Check the continuity of our products and the factors that differentiate them from other companies' products, and select a design in the zone that is most likely to be selected by consumers while maintaining freshness.

3. Confirm results

When we sold the final design, we sold out of the 13,000 units we had prepared, confirming the effect of improving sales.
Furthermore, the improved package design received a high score of 4.6 out of 5 in an expert evaluation.

Improved design increases sales volume!
Package evaluation by experts
Earned a high score of 4.6 out of 5!

\Now offering a 14-day Free Trial campaign/

Explainable KANSEI has been featured in many major media outlets such as Nihon Keizai Shimbun and NHK.
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Other success stories

We have achieved great results by improving the design of various materials such as advertisements, menus, web packages, etc.

Please check the results for yourself.

menu design

In addition to the color that gives a sense of luxury, we have improved the way to draw attention to the meat, increasing the reservation rate from the web to 172%!

Web design

From multiple web design options, you can objectively and quantitatively narrow down the options to those that are close to your appealing image and attract attention!


direct mail

The improved design was ranked number one in a local media newspaper, greatly contributing to increased recognition!

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\Now offering a 14-day Free Trial campaign/

Explainable KANSEI has been featured in many major media outlets such as Nihon Keizai Shimbun and NHK.
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