Package design decision example

Quantification of design evaluation,
Decide on a highly acceptable package design in a short period of time!

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major paper manufacturer


“Daio Paper Co., Ltd.”


Customer challenges

Urinary leak/water absorption care products have category characteristics such as ``top manufacturers have a high market share, making other products less noticeable on the sales floor'' and ``time spent on the sales floor is short.'' Therefore, the challenge for this product packaging was how to increase attention and convey the appeal in a short amount of time. In addition, because the design production period for the subject of this project, ``Natura Water Absorbing Pad for Nighttime and Morning Safety,'' was short, we were unable to follow conventional packaging research procedures and were forced to make a convincing design decision in a short period of time. .

Results obtained

EX Sensitivity has made it possible to narrow down and make decisions in a shorter time than with conventional surveys.
By quantifying design evaluation, we were able to have smooth discussions on the issue of "increasing attention in stores" using uniform indicators even among members with differing design knowledge and experience levels. I believe this is the reason for the time reduction.

Background of introduction

The challenge is to quickly produce high-quality packaging in order to respond quickly to changes in the market. ``Natura Water Absorbent Pad for Worn at Night and Safe in the Morning'' also had to be progressed within a short period of time from the beginning of the design to its release.
Meanwhile, after using the EX Kansei trial and feeling the value, we decided to actually use it when considering the package.

Analysis flow

1. Narrow down design ideas

We scrutinized initial proposals from design companies and narrowed down the choices to see if the designs were in accordance with the intent. The narrowed down design ideas are then analyzed using EX sensitivity and further narrowed down based on whether they will stand out in stores.

Daio Paper_Logo

2. Brush up your design with analysis results

Analyze the narrowed down design ideas using EX sensitivity. The improvement measures obtained from the results were reflected in the design. Furthermore, by re-analyzing the refined design using EX Kansei, we confirmed that improvements had been made. It is now possible to brush up the design efficiently in a short period of time.

3. Introduction results

As a result of the introduction, we were able to decide on a highly acceptable design in a short period of time without having to spend the investigation man-hours (survey design, fieldwork, and analysis) that conventionally required a lot of time and effort. Additionally, in the review process, by quantifying the design evaluation, we were able to use unified indicators and have discussions even among members with differing design knowledge and experience, which also helped improve efficiency. Furthermore, since we were able to confirm that the areas we wanted to highlight were sufficiently noticeable using heat maps and numerical values, we were able to determine that there was no need to make design adjustments such as making icons larger than necessary or changing colors, and we were able to improve the work process. This also led to shortening the time.
Quantification of design evaluation,
Decide on a highly acceptable package design in a short period of time!

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Other success stories

We have achieved great results by improving the design of various materials such as advertisements, menus, web packages, etc.

Please check the results for yourself.

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In addition to the color that gives a sense of luxury, we have improved the way to draw attention to the meat, increasing the reservation rate from the web to 172%!

Web design

From multiple web design options, you can objectively and quantitatively narrow down the options to those that are close to your appealing image and attract attention!


direct mail

The improved design was ranked number one in a local media newspaper, greatly contributing to increased recognition!

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