Example of increasing sales of featured products in stores

By improving the sales floor with EX sensitivity,
Sales of featured products that were already popular increased by 10%!


“Central Japan Exis”


  Enshu Morimachi PA(Operating company: KR Food Service)


Customer challenges

The main product of the Enshu Morimachi Parking Area on the Shin-Tomei Expressway is the Matcha Cream Daifuku. Although the product was already very popular, the mission was to further expand sales, and measures to do so were being sought.


Results obtained

Sales of "Matcha Cream Daifuku," a product that has been a focus of sales expansion, increased by 10%* compared to the same month last year. Furthermore, the sales volume of "Matcha Cream Daifuku" relative to the number of visitors has also increased, and it has been suggested by staff on-site that the recent improvements to the sales floor are one of the reasons for this.
*Compared to 2022 for September to October 2023

In addition, by running a simulation on EX Kansei before implementing the countermeasures and predicting that they would be effective, we were able to promote improvements efficiently without wasting man-hours, money, and time.

Improvement flow

1. Analysis/hypothesis

In order to identify issues with existing sales floors, we take photos of the sales floor from various angles, such as distant and close views, and analyze the images of the sales floor using EX Kansei. As a result, the following two hypotheses were established.

●The appeal POP in the main sales area is not noticeable enough.

●The main sales floor is a blind spot due to the lines forming in front of the cash register, resulting in a huge opportunity loss.


Main department

In front of the cash register

2. simulation

In order to solve the problem of the hypothesized hypothesis, we devised the following two measures.

●Expanding the POP size of the main sales floor.

●Addition of items that can appeal to people in front of the checkout line.

We simulated the effectiveness of each countermeasure plan by simply compositing existing store photos and analyzing the composite photos using EX sensitivity.

The simulation results showed that sufficient results were expected, and the decision was made to implement the measures in real life.

3. Implementation of measures

At the sales floor, we implemented the following two measures.

●Produced and installed a double-sized POP in the main sales area of Matcha Cream Daifuku.

●Production and installation of large banners to appeal to people waiting in line in front of the cash register.

Main department

In front of the cash register

4. Confirmation of results

When the photos of the sales floor where the countermeasures had been implemented were analyzed using EX Kansei, it was confirmed that the countermeasures were sufficiently noticeable, just as predicted by prior simulations.

Furthermore, when sales of "Matcha Cream Daifuku" were checked one month after the implementation of the measures, they had increased by 10%* compared to the same month last year, achieving further sales expansion for the already strong sales of this product.
Furthermore, the sales volume of "Matcha Cream Daifuku" relative to the number of visitors has also increased, and it was observed from the field that the recent improvements to the sales floor were one of the factors contributing to this.
*Compared to 2022 for September to October 2023

Furthermore, by using EX kansei in this case, it was possible to simulate the effects in advance, which was also valuable in that it enabled efficient improvement without wasting labor, money, or time.
By improving the sales floor with EX sensitivity,
Sales of featured products that were already popular increased by 10%!

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